AI Lessons from a failed School Counselor: Why Consultants Must Adopt an AI-First Strategy

Uncategorized Aug 28, 2024

I know how much harm school counselors can do. When ours sent us her plans for 8th grade, I went into hyper-control mode. No counselor should ever work with my son without my preview and approval.

The year before high school is crucial. Bad decisions will lead to poor course choices and missed opportunities. The psychological impact of poor counseling can extend into adulthood, affecting self-esteem, mental health, and overall satisfaction in life.

As a Behavioral Theorist and Strategic Interventionist, I’m aware of the risks posed by ineffective or negligent counselors. But my challenge was not knowing my rights as a parent - and I had no time to read all 192 pages of "The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs."

In just 15 minutes, I knew my rights

That’s where ChatGPT came in. In just 15 minutes, I knew my rights, identified where they were violated, requested specific actions to remedy, and set clear boundaries.

Here is how I did it:

I downloaded the 192-page Texas Model PDF, uploaded it into ChatGPT, and entered the following prompt:

Analyze this document and summarize all my rights as a parent.

I received a list of nine rights in plain English, including, “You have the right to review and approve the guidance curriculum and counseling services, including any specialized services your child may receive.”

Gotcha! Done. Sent. It took 15 minutes.

Next, I prompted: 

Cross-check this letter from the school counselor and find potential rights violations.

... and copied and pasted the letter from the counselor.

Surely enough, ChatGPT found four violations, including - no surprise here - lack of specific parental consent for guidance lessons.

Next, I asked: 

Write a thoughtful response to this letter, asking how the counselor will comply with these rules, citing specific paragraphs in the Texas Model. Then list my concrete demands in actionable terms.

ChatGPT came up with a decent draft, but it wasn’t strong enough, so I asked:

Try again, and emphasize that no content shall be shared, and no counseling given - either in groups, individually, or via media - without my prior review and consent.

I loved the content of the second draft but found the tone too harsh. I wanted to protect my son, not attack the counselor. My letter wasn’t about her but about my son.

So, I prompted: 

Revise your last draft. Keep a positive tone and emphasize mutual respect while clearly outlining my expectations.

 Done. Sent. It took 15 minutes.

Why it Matters to Boutique and Niche Consultants

What this episode tells you is that you cannot bill hours for document reviews anymore. Neither should you. What used to take weeks, now takes minutes.

Gathering, cleaning, and analyzing data? There’s an AI for that.

Building financial models and forecasts? There’s an AI for that.

Crafting customized proposals and RFP responses? There’s AI for almost everything:

  • Mapping current processes, identifying bottlenecks, and suggesting optimizations.
  • Writing and revising reports, whitepapers, and strategic documents.
  • Segmenting customers based on behavior and purchase history, then personalizing outreach strategies.
  • Assessing risks in real-time, predicting impacts, and suggesting mitigation strategies.
  • Creating and optimizing SEO strategies and digital marketing plans.
  • Comparing performance metrics against industry benchmarks, identifying gaps, and suggesting improvements.

If you don’t adopt an AI-First Strategy, your clients will. They, too, have kids in school. They, too, will use AI to analyze rules and draft letters. They’ll know what’s possible and wonder why you don’t.

The Pressure to Compete

The pressure to compete in consulting is intense. Clients expect faster results, personalized experiences, and more value. Traditional methods, while proven, can only take you so far. Eventually, the time and effort required will stretch your team thin, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and burnout. This is where an AI-First approach becomes essential.

What Does AI-First Mean for Consultants?

Adopting an AI-First Strategy means integrating AI into your business processes from the ground up. It’s about using AI tools to automate repetitive tasks, analyze vast amounts of data, and deliver insights that humans alone couldn’t uncover.

For consultants, this means significant competitive advantages.

Consider the time spent on administrative tasks like scheduling meetings, managing client communications, or sifting through data to find insights. AI tools can handle these tasks in seconds, freeing up valuable time for you and your team to focus on strategic work - where your true value lies. 

The Emotional Impact: Overcoming Resistance to Change

Despite the clear benefits, many consultants hesitate to embrace AI. The reasons vary - fear of the unknown, concerns about becoming obsolete, or simply comfort with the familiar.

But resisting AI could be more damaging in the long run.

 Do you want the stress of trying to keep up with competitors who’ve embraced AI? They’re delivering results faster, offering more value, and scaling operations without overworking their teams. The emotional toll of falling behind, coupled with the pressure to maintain client satisfaction, can lead to burnout and even loss of your business.

The Industry Problem: Falling Behind in a Digital World

The consulting industry is evolving rapidly, with technology playing a key role. Those who are slow to adopt AI risk falling behind. Clients are increasingly aware of what AI can do, and they’ll gravitate toward firms that can deliver these advanced services.

It’s not just about staying relevant; it’s about staying competitive. In a world where data is too big, too much, too many, AI provides the tools needed to turn raw data into actionable insights. Most people and organizations sit on a huge pile of data but do not know what to do with it or how to use it for their strategic advantage. In fact, business and use cases for AI are in huge demand.

Consultants have two choices, lead with an AI-First Strategy or fall into oblivion being seen as outdated and unable to provide the innovative solutions that clients demand.

Three Solutions to Integrate AI into Your Boutique Consulting Firm TODAY

Right now, we are still in a period where getting started with AI is more important than doing it perfectly. AI evolves. Rapidly. What it did poorly yesterday, it will master today. That’s just how it goes.

 So, if you are just getting started, consider doing it here:

1. Automate Routine Tasks

Identify tasks that consume time but don’t require creativity or strategic thinking. Scheduling, data entry, and basic communication are ripe for automation. AI-driven schedulers, CRM systems, and data processing software can take these tasks off your plate, letting you focus on what truly matters.

2. Enhance Data Analysis Capabilities

Use AI to boost your data analysis. AI tools can sift through vast amounts of information to find patterns and trends that are hard to spot manually. This enables you to provide deeper, more insightful analyses for your clients, adding significant value to your services.

3. Personalize Client Interactions

AI can help you deliver a more personalized experience to your clients. From AI-driven email campaigns that tailor messages based on client behavior to chatbots that provide instant responses to client queries, AI helps build stronger, more personalized client relationships.

Is AI Right for Your Firm?

Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Are you struggling to keep up with administrative tasks that could be automated?
  2. Could your data analysis be more thorough and insightful with AI assistance?
  3. Are you ready to deliver a more personalized experience to your clients using AI?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, an AI-First strategy could be exactly what your firm needs to stay competitive.

The Alternative Is Falling Behind

In today’s consulting environment, standing still isn’t an option. The alternative to adopting AI is watching your competition pull ahead, taking your clients with them. By embracing an AI-First approach, you’re not just adopting new technology - you’re positioning your firm for sustainable growth, efficiency, and success in a digital world.

Ready to take the next step?

Start small by automating one routine task today and see the difference. If you’d like some help, I’ve recorded a free Prompt Guide for Consultants, including printable worksheets. Get it at no cost here: []


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